



[According to the Japanese government, Israel and Slovakia are no longer designated as endemic countries for novel coronavirus variants]

The Japanese government has decided to remove Israel and Slovakia from the list of countries/regions where new coronavirus mutants are prevalent. As a result, from June 4 onward, those entering and returning from Israel and Slovakia will no longer be required to wait for three days in accommodations secured by the quarantine office if they test negative at the time of entry, but will be required to wait at home for 14 days. Currently, the following 33 countries/regions (Ireland, the United States (Tennessee, Florida, Michigan, and Minnesota), the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Israel, Italy, India, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Austria, the Netherlands, Canada (Ontario), Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Nigeria, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Hungary, Philippines, Finland, Brazil, France, Belgium, Poland, South Africa, Luxembourg, and Lebanon) have been designated as endemic countries/regions for novel coronavirus variants.

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Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 12:07 │海外渡航情報