新型コロナ、水際対策を緩和 6月から/ Japan Relaxes Border Measures from June
新型コロナ、水際対策を緩和 ―6月から : 低リスク国・地域からの入国検査は免除
政府は2021年1月から、日本人帰国者も含めた全ての入国者を対象に空港で検査を実施していた。2022年6月1日からは、ウイルス流入のリスク度合いに応じて各国・地域を3分類。最もリスクの低いグループからの来日では入国時検査と待機を免除する。中リスクのグループはワクチン3回目接種済みを条件に検査と待機を省略。高リスクは検査と3日間の待機を引き続き求める。 1日当たりの入国者数の上限を現在の約1万人から約2万人に引き上げる。
Novel Coronavirus: Japan Relaxes Border Measures from June: Low-Risk Countries/Regions Exempted from Immigration Inspection.
Since January 2021, the government has been conducting inspections at the airport for all immigrants, including Japanese returnees. From June 1, 2022, each country / region will be classified into 3 categories according to the degree of risk of virus influx. Arrivals from the lowest risk group are exempt from immigration inspection and quarantine. Medium-risk groups skip testing and quarantine on condition that they have been vaccinated for the third time. High risk continues to require inspection and a three-day quarantine. The maximum number of arrivals per day will be raised from the current 10,000 to about 20,000.
Both groups require pre-boarding inspections. Classification by country/region is judged based on the positive covid cases rate, etc., and about 80% of countries/regions including the 7 G7 countries are classified as low risk on an immigrant basis, eliminating the need for inspection and quarantining.
政府は2021年1月から、日本人帰国者も含めた全ての入国者を対象に空港で検査を実施していた。2022年6月1日からは、ウイルス流入のリスク度合いに応じて各国・地域を3分類。最もリスクの低いグループからの来日では入国時検査と待機を免除する。中リスクのグループはワクチン3回目接種済みを条件に検査と待機を省略。高リスクは検査と3日間の待機を引き続き求める。 1日当たりの入国者数の上限を現在の約1万人から約2万人に引き上げる。
Novel Coronavirus: Japan Relaxes Border Measures from June: Low-Risk Countries/Regions Exempted from Immigration Inspection.
Since January 2021, the government has been conducting inspections at the airport for all immigrants, including Japanese returnees. From June 1, 2022, each country / region will be classified into 3 categories according to the degree of risk of virus influx. Arrivals from the lowest risk group are exempt from immigration inspection and quarantine. Medium-risk groups skip testing and quarantine on condition that they have been vaccinated for the third time. High risk continues to require inspection and a three-day quarantine. The maximum number of arrivals per day will be raised from the current 10,000 to about 20,000.
Both groups require pre-boarding inspections. Classification by country/region is judged based on the positive covid cases rate, etc., and about 80% of countries/regions including the 7 G7 countries are classified as low risk on an immigrant basis, eliminating the need for inspection and quarantining.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 14:50