

シンガポール航空 11月から成田・関空線を増便、福岡線を再開、12月には週12便体制に


Singapore Airlines to increase number of flights to Japan

Singapore Airlines (SQ) will gradually increase the number of flights between Singapore and Narita/Kansai International and will resume flights to Fukuoka starting in November. The airline currently operates 3 flights per week from Narita and 2 from Kansai International. From November the number of flights from both Narita and Kansai International will increase to 5 per week, with 1 per week from Fukuoka. In December there will be 6 flights out of Narita, bringing the total number of weekly flights between Singapore and Japan to 12. In addition, starting September 18th it will be possible to travel between Japan and Singapore on a "business track" for short-term business trips, provided a written plan of activities is submitted and travelers' health is monitored for 14 days after arrival. Starting September 30th, a "residence track" will begin, aimed at long-term contract workers etc. Singapore Airlines commented that they wish to serve as a bridge between the two countries, who have strong economic ties, by increasing the number of flights.

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Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 12:48 │海外渡航情報