

税関の電子申告ゲート、国内6空港に導入 コロナ対策で使用推奨


[The Electronic Customs Declaration Gates (e-Gates) are available at 6 International Airports]

With the e-Gate, inbound passengers are able to submit the "Declaration of Personal Effects and Unaccompanied Articles" (the Declaration) electronically, for example, during the waiting times for checked baggage. In this case, it is not necessary to submit the Declaration in paper any more. After retrieving checked baggage, passengers may simply walk through the Gate for customs clearance without stopping or waiting. (Passengers may be questioned or have their baggage inspected by Customs officers.)

As e-Gates contribute to mitigate human-to-human contact, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and IATA (International Air Transport Association) recommend electronic declaration as one of preventive measures against COVID-19. In order to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, It is strongly recommended to make use of the e-Gate.

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Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 13:39 │海外渡航情報