EU、日本からの渡航を再び原則禁止へ 日本国内での感染拡大が影響


2021年01月29日 17:03


[EU : travel from Japan was banned again]
On the 28th, the European Union revised its list of countries that accept travel from outside the region and excluded Japan. The reason for this is that the number of people infected with the new coronavirus is increasing in Japan. As of the same day, travel from Japan to the EU was banned in principle, and non-EU countries such as Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland were also included in the ban. The list now includes seven countries, including Australia, Singapore, and South Korea, including China, which is subject to conditions. The EU will start restricting travel from outside the region in March 2020, and in July of the same year, it will create a list of countries with relatively low infection levels. The EU has been restricting travel from outside the region since March 2020, and since July of the same year, it has been compiling a list of countries with relatively low infection levels and presenting it to member countries as a standard for accepting business travelers and tourists.
