

KLMオランダ航空 夏期のアジア・中東路線を2019年レベルまで回復、冬期からはプーケットに新規就航

KLMオランダ航空は、今夏の旅行需要回復を見据えて、夏期スケジュールでアジアおよび中東方面のネットワークを拡大します。今後の感染状況によって便数や経路は変更される可能性がありますが、同航空によりますと2019年の供給量まで回復する見込みです。アジアでは、17地点に運航。 デンパサール線はバリ島の入港制限解除が見込める今期後半に運航を再開し、プーケットは2021年冬期から週4便で新規就航する予定です。また、中国路線の杭州と上海は当面ソウル経由のストップオーバーを継続し、入港制限が変更され次第、見直しを進めます。成都発アムステルダム行きはソウル経由で北京に寄港後、アムステルダムに向かいます。中東では2019年夏期と同様に7地点に運航。新たにリヤド線に週2便で就航し、冬期には週3便に増便します。アブダビ線については、冬期の運航再開を予定しています。


[KLM restores their operations in Asia and the Middle East route to 2019 level, and will newly serve to Phuket in this winter season. ]

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is expanding its network in Asia and the Middle East during the summer schedule in anticipation of a recovery in travel demand this summer. The number of flights and routes may change depending on the future infection situation, but according to the airline, the supply is expected to recover to 2019 levels. In Asia, the airline operates to 17 points. The Denpasar route will be resumed in the second half of this fiscal year when the restriction to Bali is expected to be lifted, and Phuket will be newly inaugurated with four flights per week starting in the winter season of 2021. In addition, Hangzhou and Shanghai on the China route will continue to have stopovers via Seoul for the time being, and will be reviewed as soon as the airport entry restrictions are changed. The flight from Chengdu to Amsterdam will stop in Beijing via Seoul and then head to Amsterdam. In the Middle East, the airline will operate to seven points as it did in the summer of 2019. The new Riyadh route will be served with two flights per week and will be increased to three flights per week during the winter season. The Abu Dhabi route will resume service during the winter season.

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Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 18:40 │海外渡航情報